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Myanmar: Cyclone Nargis OCHA Situation Report No. 13


This situation report is based on information received by the clusters, whose partners include UN Agencies, national and international NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and IOM.


1. The official figures for dead and missing have almost doubled in the last 24 hours and now stand at 77,738 dead and 55,917 missing. Unofficial figures are considerably higher. The number of injured rose steeply to 19,359, up from 1,403. The latest official figure for dead and missing combined is 133,653. The Cluster Leads in country are working on the results assessments and information received from the delta region to ascertain the number of affected.

2. An estimated 500,000 individuals have been reached with emergency relief from the international community. However there are gaps in information of people reached by government-provided services, and relief provided locally by communities and charitable benefactors.

3. Time is of the essence with the fast approaching monsoon season. Extensive damage to the agriculture production risks the loss of the November harvest given the planting season ends within five to seven weeks, depending on the areas. If this planting season is lost then assistance would be required for some months to come. In addition this could also potentially disrupt the local economy and livelihood opportunities for the communities in the delta. It is estimated that over USD 10 million worth of seeds is needed. The Early Recovery and Agriculture clusters are working closely with national authorities to address this issue.

4. Restrictions on the importation and use of communications equipment in Myanmar are impacting communications between relief agencies.

5. Transport and Storage networks of the Logistics Operations Plan are being put in place. Contracts for boats and trucking fleets to access the delta have been issued and now work is underway to coordinate the plans of the clusters for aid arriving in Yangon, and distribution beyond. This will facilitate a clear understanding of capacities for the optimum use of transportation and allow for forward planning to address possible gaps.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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