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WFP Bolivia | Brief Reporting period: 01 July – 30 September 2015


Summary of WFP assistance:

Aligned to the Country Strategy and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (2013-2017), WFP developed its country programme (CP) in close coordination with the Government. WFP supports the Government in its efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 1, 2, 3, and 5. All WFP activities directly contribute to eradicating extreme poverty and hunger (MDG1). Activities of the CP include support to the National School Feeding Programme to promote universal primary education (MDG2); promotion of education access for girls, gender equality and women empowerment (MDG3); and assistance to pregnant and nursing women to improve maternal health (MDG5).

The CP is designed to strengthen local and national capacities to break the inter-generational cycle of hunger in the areas of school feeding, nutrition, livelihood development and disaster risk reduction. Upon government request, WFP also provided technical support for the formulation of laws on Complementary School Feeding and

Disaster Risk Management, which were approved by the Congress in late 2014. WFP has been implementing innovative solutions to improve its performance in terms of sustainability and multiple impacts. It has included the cash and voucher (C&V) modality in both its emergency and development projects.

Within the ‘disaster risk reduction’ component, WFP introduced C&V transfers, which have been expanded through a Trust Fund in 2015. The possibility to link market access programmes to the school feeding component of the CP is currently being explored. Under components 1 and 3 of the CP, WFP is already supporting initiatives where local governments purchase commodities from small farmers for their school feeding programmes, the introduction of C&V transfers in this context is currently being assessed.

WFP is also implementing the Disaster Emergency Preparedness and Response (DEPR) project (September 2013 – June 2015) to strengthen government disaster risk management capacities. The project is part of a regional initiative. It includes support to the improvement of the national early warning system.